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Writing Craft Books

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Character Wounding:

Crafting Emotional Depth in Fiction

This easy-to-follow writing craft book by author, editor and writing coach Romy Sommer explores how to dig deep into a character’s past to create a compelling story and characters that feel like living, breathing people.


The book includes practical techniques for creating an effective character arc, as well as exercises to help you apply these techniques to your own books.

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The Beginner's Guide to

Writing Romance

Do you want to write a Romance novel, but you’re not sure where to start? Or maybe you have a pretty good understanding of the genre as a reader, but realize that there’s a whole lot more to delivering Happy Ever Afters on the page? If so, this book is for you.

Romance is the most misunderstood commercial fiction genre, the genre everyone believes is formulaic and easy to write - until they try to write it themselves! Romance novels may appear easy, but they come with clearly defined reader expectations, and writing a successful Romance novel requires understanding those demands and how to meet them.

This introductory guide to writing Romance explores the success of the genre, what readers expect from Romance novels, as well as how to woo those readers with your words.

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